A lâmina mais fina enganou os transeuntes. Eles acharam que seria possível remover. Trepadeiras estrangularam os desavisados, e ali ficou a pedra, imóvel.
Bind On PickupNamed ItemTierVScales With:DEX 90%, INT 65%2.5Weight3000Durability
As of Nov 25 2024, it is dropping from Au'cahn without the need for an artemis potion. Au'cahn is on a 90s respawn timer, has no other mobs around him, and is a really easy mob to kill.
Dropped 672GS from Tribunal Lightning Mammoth using Powerful Boon of Artemis
As of Nov 25 2024, it is dropping from Au'cahn without the need for an artemis potion. Au'cahn is on a 90s respawn timer, has no other mobs around him, and is a really easy mob to kill.