Got this one while farming Canarios
Whats this worth?
got this in everfall from the boss tazorjaw an alligato
I got it the non-traditional way, it came from a music aptitude chest, the "Parcel of Instrument Materials", not sure how lucky it was to get it that way.
A with my experience of Heartgems Burden farm I think its more likely to drop from the lootcrates then drop from mobs. Have no proof just what it feels like. I killed mobs for around 8 hours for Heartgems Burden and didnt get it .. I decided to just run the chests from time to time and got it in the 4th run. Maybe luck but may be higehr droprate so thats what I will be doing for this one too
Edit: got it 10mins into running chests, have the big luck trophies, full luck gear - combined gearscore 606 though, no luckfood
--> would recommend running chests for the sheet
Did you eventually find it?
I am so confused. Killed about 2000 mobs in EF but still did not get this sheet. Are you sure it drops there?
just got it in Canary mine