Dropped from Chason Steppe Feb22 2023, large chest before wyrdwood trees if coming from south heading up north. Approximately 10 runs across many weeks. Can't remember time of day. Mostly full luck gear, no luck trophies. Estimated 3 hours of total farming, I think I got lucky on this one - other rare sheet musics I have spent 20-50+ hours on and not gotten them.
Got from chest in Alioth, farm chests each hour you can, very quick 6 min max runs
I got mine from a little chest in Chason Steep. Right before the Reaver and large chest. No luck gear. Only luck trophies.
Gotten from my first visit to Chason Steep, in game nighttime around 6pm server time. Don't know exactly what I got it from. Full luck gear, pvp flagged. Thursday 1-6-2023
I've been farming the Chason Steep zone for a few weeks now and still no drop for me. Patience seems to be the key for this page to drop.
Got it at night from a random Celestial Defender at Chason Steep. Was farming there quite frequently for some days in a row in full luck gear/bags but only basic trophies. Since Brimstone Update some chests and the boss ghost at Alioth are missing, which l thought would lower chances.
confirmed drop Chason Steep, got it from one of the chests there. Took around 8-10 hours, not sure if that is lucky or unlucky
Confirmed on Barri Looted from a chest in Chason Steep. Took me approx 3 hours with full luck gear and flagged, no food.
farmed 8 hours and nothing so far.. RNG is really bad. have 3 major luck, 3 bags with luck, luck food.
Does loot luck affect the drop?
@Pythus Arkon Thanks for the info! Player level doesn't matter for this one though. If an item needs you to be a specific level, you will see a Player Level X-Y badge, similar to the POI Level one.
Confirmed drop at Alioth on Valhalla :) (I think it only drops if your player level is above level 50)
@Pythus Arkon POI means Point of Interest, usually small zones around the map.
What does POI 25+ and POI 50+ mean? Does it have to do with player level?
Ygg is just a server name.
Also, Drop confirmed, took me about 3 weeks of just gathering the chests, didnt bother killing anything, so just a ~10ish minute chest farm a day.
What is ygg?
confirmed drop in chason steep on ygg
Anyone get this to drop yet? Killed over 2000 of these skeles in the POIs and can't seem to get it to drop.
Got it from aptitude chest around 10 aptitude lvl