Peixe-dragão Grande

Rare Resource Tier IV
Weight (lb): 2-3 Size (in): 9-14 Awards 200 XP for Fishing Skill

Um peixe-dragão grande. Pode-se retirar suas entranhas, com chance de obter sua mandíbula cheia de presas, que pode ser usada na alquimia.

Tier IV 1.0 Weight Max Stack: 10000 Ingredient Types: Alimentos Crus, Peixes, Alimentos Crus de Escala 4, Peixe-víbora Derived from Fishing - Freshwater & Saltwater (Everfall, Great Cleave, Edengrove, Ebonscale Reach, Shattered Mountain, Elysian Wilds)
Crafting material Used as crafting material
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AlephZero [Edited]

Mostly trash, only useful for all tiers of mana pots, which sometimes weak, common are requiered for town board and sell for some coin, but other than that...

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