Barbo de Sangue Azul

Legendary Resource Tier V
Weight (lb): 57 Size (in): 60 Awards 550 XP for Fishing Skill

Uma criatura marítima lendária e muito rara. Pode ser usado para decorar sua casa, dando um aumento grande à sua pontuação de exibismo.

Tier V 1.0 Weight Max Stack: 10000 Ingredient Types: Alimentos Crus, Peixes, Alimentos Crus de Escala 5 Derived from Fishing - Freshwater & Saltwater (Everfall)
Crafting material Used as crafting material
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Steace [Edited]

I got it yesterday, it's still available. But I can't use it to decorate my house like it say in the item description.
Edit: You need to salvage it in order to have a it taxidermize.

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