Cervo Fêmea Marrom Domiciliar

Uncommon Housing Item Tier II
This item might not be obtainable

Um gracioso cervo fêmea com uma precedência tão calma. Vê-la deitada tão docemente faz você querer tirar uma soneca ao sol.

Housing Points (WIP)
PointModifier: -0.01 RankingPoints: 7.0000000000000007E-2 MaxPotentialPoints: 7.0000000000000007E-2 RankingPointsDuplicateLimit: 1 RankingPointsNegativeLimit: 2
Bind On Pickup Tier II 1.0 Weight
No Source

We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now.

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