Uma frutinha azul-escura com um forte cheiro de especiarias.
Grants Effects
RecuperaçãoRecupera 20 de saúde por segundo durante 10 segundos. Essa recuperação será interrompida se você sofrer dano.Effect ID:EatRawFoodDuration: 10sCategories:FoodInitialRecoveryFoodMax Stack:
Restores 20 health every 1s
TierV0.2WeightMax Stack:10000Ingredient Types:Frutas de Escala 5, Frutas Cozidas, Alimentos Crus, Alimentos Crus de Escala 5
Please note that hearty meals made with this as the main ingredient will NOT result in hearty meals actually being made.
They will instead be Light Meals. It's bugged and we can only hope that they will fix it in the February patch.
Even though the made meals are incorrect they do correctly grant the proper amount of EXP for the hearty meals.