Pão de BatalhaAumenta o dano e a absorção contra inimigos jogadores em 5%. Você recupera saúde lentamente enquanto está sob esses efeitos.Effect ID:OutpostRush_FoodPvPDuration: 10mCategories:NonDispellableEmpowerFortifyRecoveryMax Stack:
Restores 1% health every 2.5s
Grants 5% bonus damage when fighting Player enemies
Increases damage absorption from Player enemies by 5%
Does the 'Battle Bread' buff persist after consuming something like a hearty meal? So basically, can I eat this but still spam healing food while this buff is active?
Nerfed from 15/15 (dealt & reduced) to 5/5.
You will be missed broken 🤬 food buff. :'(
And no it doesnt stack with Hearty Meal.