Já Sofreu Um Ataque?

Side Story

Felix Livius desafia você a “lutar” com um urso simplesmente pela adrenalina.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
800 XP 23.50 Coin 1,000 Territory Standing 25 Azoth
Must complete one of the following quests
O Primeiro Passo de Muitos
Uma Ordem Renascida
Completion needed for the quests below
Direito de Se Gabar
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Nauwell [Edited]

Yes, but found him at last more south of the quest marker.

If you search for Grizzlemaw in nwdb.info (https://nwdb.info/db/creature/bear_grizzly_16) you'll get the right spot Grizzlemaw spawns.


anyone else have problems finding grizzlemaw?

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