Ferro e Sangue

Main Story

Resgate os membros sobreviventes da Companhia da Rosa de Ferro e descubra o destino do Sargento Cotheran, depois encontre Leovix Silva na Fortaleza de Ferro.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
2,100 XP 40.00 Coin 500 Territory Standing 200 Azoth
Must complete some of the quests below
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Acompanhando o Tributo
Completion needed for the quests below
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Travel to the Camp site near the Iron Rose Garrison.
Place your Camp Tier I to set a Respwan Point near the Iron Rose Garrison.

To do so you need 5 Green Wood and 1 Flint. If you gathered all the resources press "Y" or "Z" (Default, depens on your keyboard language)
Move your mouse until the
Camp Tier I is shown not longer red and instead white, this means that is a place where you are alloud to build it.
After you occupied the place you need to finish your camp. Press "E" (Default) to build up your
Camp Tier I.
You might need to step back to let it be finished.
Now you have created your self a spwan point. In case of dieing you are allowed to respwan here, if you are not further away than 500m.

It is alloud to place camps everywhere, as long it is not too close to a Landmark. You can only have one active camp at the time.
In case you are too lazy to build your own one, you can step close to someone else camp and press "E" to "Set Camp Recall Point".
But be careful: When the other person is logging out or is building a new camp the old camp including your Recall Point will be gone.

Its time to search the Iron Rose Garrison!
On your way there, pick up the quest Seeds of Steel.

As soon as you reached the Iron Rose Garrison area, it is time to rescue a survivors: Gideon Sturm.
You will find him right inside the first house, on the balcony in the first floor.

He will sent you out there again, to learn about the fate of Sergeant Cotheran.
This is done by defeating her and colleting Sergeants Cotheran's Armband.
You can find her in the upper outside level of the two houses.

If you picked up the quest Seeds of Steel, read the The Iron Creed as well.

When you are done, go back to Leovix Silva. He will wait in a different place than before.
Get the fast travel shrine Iron Rose Shrine on your way there.

This quest will reward you with your first bag: Leather Shoulder Bag. A bag allows you to carrie more weight.
Equip it by double clicking on it, or drag and drop it into your first bag slot, right next to your jewelery slots.

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