Meu Reino por um Cavalo


O filho de um lendário senhor de guerra construiu um estábulo na esperança de que o retorno dos Lordes Feras seja uma oportunidade para ele aplicar suas habilidades de treinamento de cavalos.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards Prerequisites
Requires Level 20
Completion needed for the quests below
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Xyo Admin [Edited]

The quest can be found in Northern Everfall. The quickest way to get there is by teleporting to the Shadowmine Shrine and running north. Once there you will need to speak with the quest giver, Jochi Khan to begin the questline

Check out StudioLoot's Mounts in New World guide for a complete overview, or Baggins' How To Unlock Mounts video if you prefer that format.

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