Is this Dungeon buggy i cant join ?
its not on my map anymore. Can anyone tell me where it is???
@Kate Dewitt Just use dps, and before his last phase (think its 4 health bars last phase activates) make sure you have no stacks of frost on you. Then kill the ghost in the middle fast af, and just go for dps on the boss for the finish. I'm a tank and i got a bit stuck but respect to 350 str and rest con, used a hatchet with fire gems for extra dmg.
how are you meant to complete it? im struggling hard
@LexsiJ it's in Edengrove to the far west. However, the closest fast travel point is in Great Cleave to the east: "Gnostic Crux Shrine". Follow the path east, up the hill and follow the path left until you find the soul trial entrance (it's up the stairs when you get to the building).
If anyone happens to have an image of where the marker on the map - please post - marker missing if get kicked :/
Noticed some people asking in chat about how to do this and on reddit, if you missed it, here it is!
I cannot even get the align runes to move. Is this bugged out?