O Último Guarda Espiritual

Main Story Suggested Level 19

Procure respostas sobre o destino dos Guardas Espirituais dentro da torre de Arcturus.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
3,500 XP 234.00 Coin 100 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Assunto da Vila
Completion needed for the quests below
Orador da Terra Indócil
Guardiões do Minerador
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Yonas Alazar sends you into Arcturus to search for clues about the Soulwardens' fate.

On your way pick up the side quest Dishonorable Daughter from Tamra Ayad.
Collect an Ancient Vase form Ancient Guardians.

Find the First clue: Siege of Arcturus: Day 1
Climb to the next level.

Find the next journal entry: Siege of Arcturus: Day 6
Pass through the Ancient Door.
Defeat the spirits of fallen Soulwardens. This quest step is an event: The Last Soulwarden.
("Defeat 3 echoes of Yonas' fellow Soulwardens." and "Defeat the Torment of the Soulwardens.")
Find the final journal entry: Siege of Arcturus: Day 13

Jump down and head back to Yonas Alazar.
On your way turn in the side quest Dishonorable Daughter to Tamra Ayad.

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