Tirando Carne de Pedra (Expedição)

Main Story Suggested Level 70

A Medusa Mãe da Ninhada transformou a tripulação de Oxen em pedra e está gerando hordas de Hercínios para tomar Aeternum. Colete os ingredientes para o antídoto e derrote-a.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
4,530 XP 950.00 Coin 700 Territory Standing 100 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Rasteja Sob Nós
Prerequisites - Additional
Requires Level 65
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Stitch Hwyman

Yea ags says you dont need a group to complete the MSQ... such a lie.

Jeff Helander

I don't get how a high end 6 man raid is preventing me from just continuing my main story questline?? seems out of place. what am i not understnading here?? help?

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