New World Items to Farm as a Solo Player
In this guide we will be covering "named items" that you can effectively solo-farm in the open-world.

In this guide we will be covering "named items" that you can effectively solo-farm in the open-world. Most Named Items drop at 590 Gear Score and can be upgraded to 600 Gear Score and beyond with umbral shards, which also upgrades the item from Epic to Legendary and unlocks its third perk.
We also have a video guide for those of you who prefer that format.
Whilst most of the items listed in this guide will not be BiS (Best in Slot), they're all generally worth farming for a player who has recently hit level 60 and is looking to improve their Gear Score and gear in general, before they step into the various expeditions available in New World's end game.
Along with the items listed in this guide, it's encouraged that you also go and complete as many main-story and side quests in the Areias de Enxofre region as you can, as the rewards given range from Orbe de Gipsita,
Lasca de Umbral Esgotada, and 600 to 615 Gear Score Legendary Weapons! Full List of rewards here.
Note: This guide will not list items such as Vingança Sombria, as although items like this are really powerful, they are not in a particular loot pool of any 1 enemy, and thus really hard to target farm for.
All items listed in this guide should be obtainable within a few attempts of killing each enemy, unless you are very unlucky!
Determinação do Guardião is a great starting Sword for Corrupted Expeditions and drops from Rafik de Bishara.
Dominador do Senhor do Fosso has more survivability in its perks and drops from Daehi, o Senhor do Fosso.
Muralha do Titã has a great set of perks for starting tanks and drops from Saturnino Titânico
Escala de Maat works best when paired with a sword that does not have
Afiado or
Avidamente Energizado (allows you to maximize all perk slots, they do not stack) and drops from Juiz da Pureza.
Osso de Peixe Pútrido has a great set of perks for most Rapier builds and drops from Putris.
Cortador de Ossos is a good hatchet to then bring into
Jardim da Criação and continue your endgame journey, and drops from all mobs in the
Rime da Ascensão location.
Faca de Deus works well for Corrupted expeditions and drops from Tribuno Úrsula, a Gladiadora.
Julgamento de Júpiter is a well-rounded Greatsword and drops from Khelone Khelydorea.
War Hammer
Onda de Choque Separadora is a must-have perk for a Warhammer, but sadly, all open-world bosses that drop these hammers have 300,000+ HP.
Yul'kithir is solo-obtainable in that in only requires Level 200 Weaponsmithing, but for drops you could look at
Construtor de Parede to bring into
A Importância de Lázaro. It drops from Colosso de Karnak.
Great Axe
Machado de Primus starts with
Golpes Anulantes, a strong perk for 300 Strength Melee users, and drops from Primus Galba.
Sadly there are no good spears that drop off of easy to kill enemies reliably, other than Chave de Quenúbis. This is not a bad spear for
A Importância de Lázaro, and drops from Guardião de Quenúbis.
Fire Staff
Signum Phalarae is beginner's Firestaff as its perks aren't great, but you can easily farm it from Árbitra Luca Corrompida.
Ice Gauntlet
Presente Eterno starts with great perks,
Afiado and
Perverso, and also upgrades to get
Golpe Renovador, making it a great Ice Gauntlet for endgame. It drops for Imbatível Dau-Shin.
Void Gauntlet
Sacrifício Corrupto is the only reliable drop you can farm for in the Healing Void Gauntlet category (has
Abençoado) and drops from Imbatível Dau-Shin.
Profundezas Desintegrantes is a strong DPS Void Gauntlet for use in Corrupted Expeditions and drops off of Daehi, o Senhor do Fosso.
Life Staff
Maré do Luar has
Abençoado and
Elo Divino Renovador, a good starting option if you're running single target heals. It drops from Anargirou de Duat.
Rugido de Enxofre has a decent set of perks and is one of a small amount of Blunderbusses that drop more consistently from open world mobs. It drops from Betaikha, o Queimado.
Resposta do Guarda Espiritual is a great pick-up bow for fresh level 60s to use, and drops from Guarda de Satet.
Detonador de Barra de Ferro is a strong musket that will last quite far into the endgame, and drops from Pata Larga (and from Gnasher, but has much higher HP).
For armor drops, we will be recommending drops using the following conventions:
- Heavy Equip Load = Every slot is heavy
- Medium Load = Heavy Helm and Chest, Medium Gloves and Boots, Light Legs
- Light Load = Medium Chest, Light Helm, Gloves, Boots and Legs
As a result, no recommendations will be made for Medium Helm or Medium Legs.
Coroa de Sobek is a strong option for Medium DPS and Heavy Tanks in
Jardim da Criação, and drops from Lorde Sobek.
Coroa Castrum do Rei-Cabra is a strong option for Medium DPS and Heavy Tanks in
A Importância de Lázaro, and drops from Stubbles, o Rei das Cabras.
The only reliable drop in this category you can farm is Capucho do Clérigo, which is a decent helmet for Healers, but does feature the PVP perk
Resiliente. It drops from Luxendra, a Sábia (Xyo's note: the monster, not the lovely Community Manager. I suggest not messing around with her).
Placa da Tempestade Colossal gets
Proteção Anciã when upgraded, and is not a bad starting tank chest for a fresh level 60. It drops from Colosso de Qebui.
Faixas Peitorais da Lagoa Real is a good starting drop for Light Equip Load Dexterity users, though the perks are PVP orientated. It drops from Lorde Sobek.
There are no good/solo-farmable named Light chests currently in game.
Lembrança do Ferreiro gives is a good Heavy tank item for Corrupted Expeditions but do not upgrade it past 590 Gear Score (the
Indestrutível perk is quite bad). It drops from Primus Galba.
Luvas do Lanceiro have
Proteção Anciã and work for a Medium Equip load dexterity build, and drop from Guardião de Quenúbis.
Luvas Alegres are great gloves for healers fresh to Level 60, and drop from Upuaut, o Jubiloso.
Grevas Pesadas are a strong pick-up for tanks wanting to run
A Importância de Lázaro, and drop from Colosso de Qebui.
Foco de Dalao are great legs for fresh level 60 healers as they have
Solo Sagrado Reforçado on them, a must-have perk. They drop from Dalao de Harwa.
Calças Comuns are great for any light or medium equip load build as they have constitution on them, the only downside being that if you upgrade them to 600 Gear Score, they get
Resiliente, a perk only useful (albeit VERY useful) in PVP. They drop from Heka da Encruzilhada.
O Pesado Fardo are the only solo-farm friendly heavy boots you can get, but contain the PVP perk,
Resiliente, so will need to be replaced when an upgrade presents itself. They drop from Khelone Khelydorea.
There are no good/solo-farmable named Medium boots currently in game.
There are no good/solo-farmable named Light Boots currently in game.
Bênção de Maat works well for Healers but requires an upgrade to 600 Gear Score to get the must have
Saúde Perk. It drops from Juiz da Pureza.
For Dexterity users, Pingente do Réquiem is a reasonable starting amulet - it does have 9 focus on it so you'll need to replace later on, but the perks are strong. It drops from Imutável Tzi-Wang.
Intelligence users have the same option with Tesouro do Fosso. The perks are strong but it does provide 9 Strength and so will need to be replaced later. It drops from Daehi, o Senhor do Fosso.
Coração de Dalao is a great ring to pick-up for those using more than 150 Dexterity or a Medium Equip load build (as
Salutífero is not present untill 600 Gear Score). It drops from Dalao de Harwa.
Coração de Hepu is a great ring for most builds as it has
Salutífero and Constitution. The addition of Slash Damage makes it particularly powerful for Great Axe, Greatsword, Hatchet and S&S users though. It drops from Hepu Misericordioso.
Aro Baal is an alternative to Heart of Hepu that has Fire Damage instead of Slash Damage, so it is good for Firestaff users. It requires you to have the Tábuas Bambas quest active in order to spawn the mob it drops from, Ronaldo Bala de Canhão. This quest chain starts with Uma Ameaça Crescente.
Amuleto da Lembrança Estelar is a good pick-up for Strength users but do not upgrade it to 600 Gear Score, since the
Brinde de Mana perk will not benefit you. It drops from Adjorjan.
Invocado Pelas Duas Terras Dela is a similar earring but for Dexterity users, and has a better 600 Gear Score upgrade. It drops from Sumo Sacerdote das Portas Gêmeas.
Adorno do Ritual de Tarô is an "okay" earring for mages to start with, but you will want to replace it with a better drop as you advance through the endgame. It drops from Kilgoran.
About the author
I'll sugest to add Band of daemon dusk to the list. Its pretty easy to farm and has 3 good perks for mages. Cant change the gem tho.