Lost Present Mini-Farm

A nice little hot spot for the New World Winter Convergence holiday event! It looks like someone dumped a whole load of Lost Presents in this small, easy-to-farm village.

In Northern Weaver's Fen, Fenton Hamlet sports a nice little farming route for [gatherable_lostpresent00]s for the Winter Convergence event. It's even close to a Winter Village and a Spirit Shrine! Lost Presents give you [item_wcstolenpresent]s, that can can be turned in at the Winter Village for the event currency, Token de Inverno, that can be exchanged for prizes.

Recommended Level: 45+ makes things easy.
Enemies: Level 39 Lost (bring a Life Staff - they're weak to Nature), a few Level 28 Wolves, and an easy-to-avoid brute.

Starting at the Spirit Shrine, follow the path south into the village, then turn and circle the village, ducking into the center as needed. The presents respawn fast enough (3-30 minutes) that you can farm this circle as long as you can stand, with near constant respawns as long as you don't have much competition.

They're almost always found by chimneys of houses, but a few are just out in the open as well. Look for the bright blue glow - they're hard to miss! [gatherable_lostpresent00] locations shown below.

Bonus Floating Present: Floating [gatherable_lostpresent01]s give 20+ Recovered Presents when hit! Head west every lap and shoot down the floating one near the Mourningdale border (respawn is also 15-30 minutes).

Fenton's Hamlet Lost Present Locations - MapGenie

I hope this tip helps you reach your event farming goals. Happy present hunting, and happy holidays!

❄🎄Happy Winter Convergence! 🎄❄
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New World Turkey Terror Event - Turkulon Locations & Drops
New World Update 3.0.1
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@Slothen - Good news! I found a nearby floating present, and added it to the guide.

@Denzil - I added the reason (Lost are weak to Nature).

Slothen [Edited]

Just to Note its not worth farming these types of presents, as they only give one each. The ones you really wanna go for is the floating ones that give 20-25+ each when you shoot them, a farm with those would be more worthwile. i dont go out of my way to one location to farm these, i just pick them up along the way while im doing stuff, also these presents are almost always found along roads sometimes not. But for the floating ones ive tracked some of their locations down seeming from 2-3 in each region (cannot confirm this as i wont spend time looking in an entire region) unsure about respawn time on these, but they do spawn in same spot every time. Usally when i go for these id have over 100+ in my inventory with next to no effort. (Look for glowing light in the sky, also mostly they are in areas far away while exploring, so they are hard to find, also if someone already shot it you wont know its there)


Why "bring a life staff" ?

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