The Ultimate New World Mage Build and Guide for PvP
In this guide, you will find the best mage builds and all the key information for mages in PvP, from explanations of weapon choices to skill trees for each load out, plus guidance on everything from necessary gems to playstyle tips to ideal armor and, if applicable, where to farm each piece.

Check out the PvE Mage Guide.
This guide is brought to you by BagginsTV, in collaboration with Tricks and NWDB.
All information is based on the latest version of New World, and is accurate for the Brimstone Sands update.
If video guides are more up your street, then all the information can also be found in my YouTube video right below.
If you're more of a reader, however, or are looking for all the handy links and item info pages all in one place, then read on!
weapon Choices
There are a variety of different viable Mage builds out there which utilize Ice Gauntlet, Fire Staff, Void Gauntlet, Rapier and even Blunderbuss. In order to keep this guide concise we will be looking at two particular Mage Builds today: Ice Gauntlet + Void Gauntlet, and Fire Staff + Ice Gauntlet.
Fire Staff &Amp; Ice Gauntlet
This is your most "classic" mage build using two weapons that scale entirely off of Intelligence. This build is for those who want to deal high amounts of damage and act as more of a "carry", and excels in small-to-mid scale PVP.
Ice Gauntlet &Amp; Void Gauntlet
This is a build that can be played in a few different ways, but for this guide we will be showcasing it as a "support" build, still capable of doing large amounts of damage but your primary focus will be slowing and de-buffing the enemy, and buffing your team.
It is mostly used in large scale PVP, such as Wars.
You will want 310 Intelligence + 200 Constitution. This will be the attribute ratio we use for both builds in this guide.
If you wish, you may go 210 Intelligence + 300 Constitution instead to extend the duration of your CC, which is useful for the support build, but your damage will be significantly lowered.
In order to reach the 300/200 stat threshold, you will need to use Attribute Food.
The best (and cheapest) attribute food you can get is [item_foodconintt5] for an extra +24 Constitution and +16 Intelligence.
Weapon Skills
Fire Staff &Amp; Ice Gauntlet Build
This build ignores Runas de Helios, as the build centered more around small scale PVP, so you're often on the move and cannot benefit from standing in it.

Ice Gauntlet &Amp; Void Gauntlet Build
This build avoids Espada do Imaterial and the
Frio Supremo passive as it is more support orientated, and focuses on passives and abilities that keep us alive, or assist our teammates.

Equip Load
For the Fire Staff + Ice Gauntlet build, we will be using Light Equip Load as it boosts our damage by 20% and gives us access to the very powerful Dodge Roll. To achieve this we will be using a Light Helm, Light Gloves, Light Legs, Light Boots and a Medium Chest. This maximizes our armor rating whilst still keeping us in a Light Equip Load overall.

For the Ice Gauntlet + Void Gauntlet build, we will be using Medium Equip Load for the increased armor rating and increased CC duration. To achieve this we will be using a Heavy Helmet, Heavy Chest, Medium Gloves, Light Legs and Medium Boots, again to maximize armor rating and just stay in the medium equip load threshold.

Perks to Aim For
Weapon Perks
Fire Staff
Harmonização da Chama +
Avidamente Irregular +
Afiado or
These perks are all to benefit the power of Lança-chamas.
Crítico Flagelado could also be used for more anti-healing, in place of Keen, Vicious or Keenly Jagged.
Ice Gauntlet
For Estacas de Gelo builds:
Afiado +
Perverso +
Harmonização da Geada for
Estacas de Gelo
For Support builds: Geada Mortal +
Harmonização da Geada +
Golpe Renovador
Note: Ruinous can be used in War/OPR for big bonus damage to Doors/Turrets in conjunction with Alcance Gelado. If you like the idea of having a anti-siege swap weapon, try finding/crafting a gauntlet with
Arruinador +
Golpe Renovador +
Harmonização da Geada.
Void Gauntlet
Grito Putrificante +
Crítico Flagelado +
These perks all help us achieve the "support" playstyle by reducing incoming healing on the enemy, making them easier to take down.
Gear Perks
Your armor should have Resiliente plus any combination of the following:
- Relevant Ability Perk
Aversão Física
Aversão Elemental
Fortificação Esquiva
Evasão Renovadora.
Proteção Renovadora can be used if you are running a Medium build.
Your amulet should have Saúde and
Recuperação de Vigor, plus your choice of:
Purificação de Debilitação Esquiva
- Protection Perk
Evasão Renovadora
Proteção Renovadora can be used if you are running a Medium build.
For your Ring, you will want Salutífero,
Dano de Gelo /
Dano Flamejante, plus any one of:
Best-in-slot for your Earring is Brinde Renovador and
Brinde Saudável, alongside
Renovação or
Evasão Renovadora.
Again, if you are running a Medium build, then you can also consider using Proteção Renovadora for the third perk.
Regeneração and
Agilidade are not terrible 3rd perks to take, but do not prioritize these over any Refreshing Perk.
Ability Perks
Other than in your Ice Gauntlet + Void Gauntlet Support build, you don't want to look for perks on your weapons, but instead on your armor. The ability perks that I would recommend getting on your armor include:
Bola de Fogo Fortalecida
Queima Revigorante
Lança-Chamas Aceleradora
Derretimento Interminável
Orbe Diminificante
Esquecimento Anulador
Estaca de Gelo Energizada doesn't do much at all for the build in PVP so avoid going for pieces with this perk.
You may wish to take Tumba Curativa for extra survivability, but note it is your base health not max/current health it heals you from.
And as mentioned above, you do want to get Ability perks on your weapons when running the Support build. Specifically, you want to have Geada Mortal on your Ice Gauntlet and
Grito Putrificante on your Void Gauntlet, as the increased potency of these perks being on the weapon is desirable for this build.
The reason we do not run ability perks on our weapon as a Fire/Ice Mage is because the Fire Staff functions largely as a "damage" weapon, so we're looking for perks that improve its damage potential. Whilst some of the ability perks achieve this, none are strong enough when placed on the weapon vs the armor to outweigh the damage boost of Harmonização da Chama,
Perverso and
Avidamente Irregular. The same can also be said for the Ice Gauntlet when running it for maximum damage.
Best Drops to Farm
Fire Staves
Outside of farming for random drops in the relevant mutation, getting Attunement perks on your weapon will require you to buy or craft it.
That said, Bastão de Batalha das Vinhas de Fogo and
Tocha do Incêndio Desenfreado are both good Fire Staves to pick-up whilst you're working your way towards a
Harmonização da Chama staff.
Extensão is a strong option if you're looking for some more utility as it provides anti-heal.
Ice Gauntlets
As with the Fire Staff we will need to buy or craft Harmonização da Geada for the Ice Gauntlet to achieve BiS.
Until then, Presente Eterno is a strong pick-up that you can use for either build featured in this guide.
Barreira Congelada works well for the Ice Gauntlet + Void Gauntlet support build by giving you extra cooldown reduction on the powerful
Chuva de Gelo ability.
Void Gauntlets
Flagelo das Profundezas has 2 of the 3 perks you're looking for on your Void Gauntlet, and works as a great alternative whilst you're working on obtaining a
Grito Putrificante +
Crítico Flagelado +
Afiado Void Gauntlet.
Equipping a piece of the Wizened Set can work for your build, but not more as you need to stack as much
Resiliente as you can. In particular, the
Sapatos Rugosos can be a good fit as they have
Energia Esquiva, a perk that can only be obtained on the leg slot.
Capuz de Proteção is a light helm you could farm for, but it may be better to spend the time searching for it on acquiring gold and buying something similar from the Trading Post.
Calças Comuns or
Perneiras Infernais both work for the leg slot in either build featured in this guide. The Regular Pants in particular are very strong as they have 3 Best-in-Slot perks.
For the rest of your PVP mage gear, you will likely have to craft or buy it. The PVP rewards track can provide some good filler pieces whilst you're working on better gear though.
Amuleto do Campeão can be picked up from the PVP rewards track after you reach level 5 and has a great set of perks for all builds featured in this guide.
A Última Profecia provides cooldown reduction, and can also extend the duration of
Proximidade Energizante and
Avidamente Energizado, if you're running this perk.
Anel do Juramento do Oceano is a great fit for the Fire Staff + Ice Gauntlet build, and will allow your
Estacas de Gelo to hit even harder.
Anel do Cirurgião is perfect for the Ice Gauntlet + Void Gauntlet support build by providing additional chances to activate
Crítico Flagelado and extend the duration of the Diseased healing de-buff. It doesn't have
Salutífero but that is fine for the build as Medium equip load gets access to three dodges by default.
Anel do Campeão is a good all-rounder that works in any of these builds.
On most servers you should be able to pick-up a Brinde Saudável +
Brinde Renovador earring for a few hundred gold. There are no named drops that contain both perks currently, although the
Brinco do Campeão comes from the PvP Rewards track and has 2 out of the 3 perks we're looking for.
For Fire Staff + Ice Gauntlet, you can go more defensive with a Runa de Coração Firme de Forma de Pedra to provide some CC Immunity and extra healing to yourself, or go more offensive with the
Runa de Coração Brutal de Detonação.
Note: You can activate the Detonate whilst inside Sepultado, and pairing it with
Chuva de Gelo will better allow you to confirm its damage to the enemy.
For Ice Gauntlet + Void Gauntlet, the new Cunning Heartrune of Bile Bomb will be our most supportive PVP Heartrune as it reduces enemy movement speed, incoming healing and stamina regeneration in a 3.5m radius. Dropping this onto the point or clumps of enemies will give your team a huge advantage in engagements.
A Opala Pura Lapidada is the go to for Ice Gauntlet to maximize the damage
Tempestade Punitiva and
Frio Supremo gives us (we want to be doing as much Ice Damage as we can).
Fire Staves benefit the most from a Cut Flawed Elemental Gem, such as Rubi Imperfeito Lapidado, due to the Intelligence scaling calculation of Tier 2 conversion gems.
Despite imparting burn, which does not benefit from the conversion gem, Bola de Fogo,
Lança-chamas and a direct hit from
Queima will all deal more damage with a Cut Flawed Gem than with a
Opala Pura Lapidada (though your burns will be weaker).
For the Void Gauntlet taking a Opala Pura Lapidada is also advised as the damage-over-time effects from
Esquecimento and
Orbe do Apodrecimento do not work with elemental conversion gems, so the extra damage they provide is largely wasted.
In your armor and jewelry, the best all-round gems to socket will be Diamante Puro Lapidado and
Malaquita Pura Lapidada as they provide both Physical and Elemental Damage Absorption, covering you against all types of enemy weapons. However, if you do find you're facing off against largely bows and muskets, socketing a couple of
Esmeralda Pura Lapidada will help against this.
In your Fire Staff, Vidro Rúnico de Opala Incendiada is a powerful choice as the Burn effect can activate with hits from your
Lança-chamas, allowing you to stack large amounts of damage in a small period of time.
The only Ice Gauntlet ability that can activate Vidro Rúnico de Opala Congelada is
Estacas de Gelo, as DoT attacks will not trigger it, and it's usually the case that you want to load the damage upfront instead of over the 2 second window, so sticking to a normal
Opala Pura Lapidada is still the best option here.
Like with Ice Gauntlet, Void Gauntlet will only activate Vidro Rúnico de Opala Abissal on your
Orbe do Apodrecimento initial hit (it does work with
Espada do Imaterial if you're using it, though) but unlike the Ice Gauntlet, we don't care as much for "spike" damage, so taking an extra damage-over-time effect on our Orb bursts will provide increased damage on large groups of enemies.
As runeglass gems are more expensive and require more materials to make, my best advice is to stick to Diamante Puro Lapidado /
Malaquita Pura Lapidada and slot in
Pedra Lunar Pura Lapidada /
Esmeralda Pura Lapidada or any other damage type ward you see fit.
However, if you're wanting to push your build to the strongest it can be, Vidro Rúnico de Diamante Incendiado or
Vidro Rúnico de Diamante Congelado in every armor piece will increase the damage of your Fire Staff or Ice Gauntlet by 10% (2% per armor piece).
Tips for Mages
A good chunk of this guides' information was provided by Tricks. Check out his YouTube or Twitch channel for all the playstyle tips and tricks you need.
Further information on Intelligence conversion gems can be found on Morrolan's website.
About the author
this is a old build