Fragmento de Ferro Consagrado

Rare Resource
Use this resource when crafting to get the following effect:

Item de confecção com harmonização em relação à vantagem Liberdade. Pode ser usado ao confeccionar Armaduras.

0.1 Weight Max Stack: 10000 Ingredient Type: Modificadores de Confecção
PvP Reward

Item can appear randomly on the PvP Rewards Track, on the following checkpoints:

Checkpoint 1
1,500 Azoth Salt
Requirement PvP Track Level 19
Checkpoint 1
1,500 Azoth Salt
Requirement PvP Track Level 21
Requirement PvP Track Level 23
Requirement PvP Track Level 25
Requirement PvP Track Level 27
Requirement PvP Track Level 31
Requirement PvP Track Level 33
Requirement PvP Track Level 35
Requirement PvP Track Level 37
Requirement PvP Track Level 41
Requirement PvP Track Level 43
Requirement PvP Track Level 45
Requirement PvP Track Level 47
Requirement PvP Track Level 51
Requirement PvP Track Level 53
Requirement PvP Track Level 55
Requirement PvP Track Level 57
Requirement PvP Track Level 61
Requirement PvP Track Level 63
Requirement PvP Track Level 65
Requirement PvP Track Level 67
Requirement PvP Track Level 71
Requirement PvP Track Level 73
Requirement PvP Track Level 75
Requirement PvP Track Level 77
Requirement PvP Track Level 81
Requirement PvP Track Level 83
Requirement PvP Track Level 85
Requirement PvP Track Level 87
Requirement PvP Track Level 91
Requirement PvP Track Level 93
Requirement PvP Track Level 95
Requirement PvP Track Level 97
Requirement PvP Track Level 101
Requirement PvP Track Level 103
Requirement PvP Track Level 105
Requirement PvP Track Level 107
Requirement PvP Track Level 111
Requirement PvP Track Level 113
Requirement PvP Track Level 115
Requirement PvP Track Level 117
Requirement PvP Track Level 121
Requirement PvP Track Level 123
Requirement PvP Track Level 125
Requirement PvP Track Level 127
Requirement PvP Track Level 131
Requirement PvP Track Level 133
Requirement PvP Track Level 135
Requirement PvP Track Level 137
Requirement PvP Track Level 141
Requirement PvP Track Level 143
Requirement PvP Track Level 145
Requirement PvP Track Level 147
Requirement PvP Track Level 151
Requirement PvP Track Level 153
Requirement PvP Track Level 155
Requirement PvP Track Level 157
Requirement PvP Track Level 161
Requirement PvP Track Level 163
Requirement PvP Track Level 165
Requirement PvP Track Level 167
Requirement PvP Track Level 171
Requirement PvP Track Level 173
Requirement PvP Track Level 175
Requirement PvP Track Level 177
Requirement PvP Track Level 181
Requirement PvP Track Level 183
Requirement PvP Track Level 185
Requirement PvP Track Level 187
Requirement PvP Track Level 191
Requirement PvP Track Level 193
Requirement PvP Track Level 195
Requirement PvP Track Level 197
Checkpoint 1
1,500 Azoth Salt
Requirement PvP Track Level 200+
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Drop today is ''Juna'' i farming weaponsmith gloves and drop this.

mert_targaryenx [Edited]

Drop 5 min before Pit Lord Daehi(corrupted totem farm named).
damn i drop again .

Nik Feder

Apparently it can drop in mutated expeditions now:

naya latisha [Edited]

got this from human idol spam boss at ebonscale

Imma level 54 xD

JakeL Rare [Edited]

Please note the patch note on March 16th PTR update is incorrect. They changed `MinContLevel` from 0 - 44 to 0 - 44 and 45 (which means anything above 45). MinContLevel is the level of the mob you are killing, not your player's level. This will allow the Shard to drop from more mobs (193 -> 524). Level 60 players have always been able to drop this item.

crank05 [Edited]

Shard of Consecrated Iron is now an eligible drop for players of all levels. It was previously only an eligible drop for lower level players on Named AI. [PTR: Seasons - March 16th, 2023]


Fungalstep at weavers fen and his " mate " drops, got 1 today with 5 kills


Got two from the crate being given when you level your armoring aptitude.


South Brightwood Walsham POI. There are 3 mobs who possibly can drop it and you can run a perfect 2min circle between them. However i havent droped one yet after 3h+. But i can Confirm a drop from one of the 3 mobs at the repeatable event on south great cleave


anyone have a viable farm for this yet?


where u guys farm shard iron?,do we need major luck??


Does this Mod drop also from the upcoming Mutated Version?

The Contrarian [Edited]

confirmed drop from Greundgul the Regen in Starstone

JakeL Rare

@NorthLight No, that's incorrect. That requirement is referring to the zone level, rather than the player's level. Players who are level 60 are able to get these drops.


Can you correct me if I am wrong - This only drops if you are in range of LVL 1 to 45? If I am 60 it's not going to drop?


Correct my thinking if this is wrong: having 50000 luck adds 8 craft mods to the drop table that already has shard of consecrated iron so this seems to be an item you would want to farm with less than 50k luck points (50%?).
Im at Cleave's Malice where there is a repeatable event that spawns 3 lvl 44 bosses every 3-4 min. No drop yet 30min in but lots of craft mods.


I got this to drop from the boss of the elite zone in Cutlass Keys a while back.

Xyo Admin

@Amazing User content level usually refers to the zone level. If there’s a player level requirement, the table will say Player Level instead.

Amazing User

I think you need to lvl 45max to farm this "Content Level 1-45" :(


Ive tried farming a group of these mobs for hours with full luck gear and im getting nothing. Has anyone got this to drop from a mob recently ? Im beginning to think something isnt right. I have found only way to get them is to make Armoring atp chests.


Do you need luck to drop this perk from mobs?


Drop from Inquisitor Lucia

Amazing User

Drop from First Mate Misher, certainly not a common drop


some confirm spots in open world with drop this?


We ran starstone 5 times and only got one of these to drop :(

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Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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