Sangue de Lobo

Uncommon Resource
This item might not be obtainable

Item usado em Confecção para aplicar um bônus de Força e Destreza (sufixo de Lutador) a um item.

0.1 Weight Max Stack: 10000 Ingredient Types: Modificadores de Confecção, Força, Destreza Derived from Lobos
Crafting material Used as crafting material
No Source

We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now.

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MBG [Edited]

"Derived from Wolves (Content Level 0-18)" you have to kill wolves, NOT skin them but just kill them. They will drop a green bag that contains the craft mod."

This is incorrect. It can drop from BOTH killing AND skinning Wolves.


"Derived from Wolves (Content Level 0-18)" you have to kill wolves, NOT skin them but just kill them. They will drop a green bag that contains the craft mod.

Orihara Izaya

How to get this

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