Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Brinco de Vinhas Emaranhadas Legendary V 650-700
Camisa de Vinhas Emaranhadas Legendary V 650-700
Coroa de Vinhas Emaranhadas Legendary V 650-700
Calças de Vinhas Emaranhadas Legendary V 650-700
Sapatos de Vinhas Emaranhadas Legendary V 650-700
Luvas de Vinhas Emaranhadas Legendary V 650-700
Amuleto da Luz Esporulante Legendary V 650-700
Anel da Luz Esporulante Legendary V 650-700
Brinco da Luz Esporulante Legendary V 650-700
Camisa da Luz Esporulante Legendary V 650-700
Máscara da Luz Esporulante Legendary V 650-700
Calças da Luz Esporulante Legendary V 650-700
Sapatos da Luz Esporulante Legendary V 650-700
Luvas da Luz Esporulante Legendary V 650-700
Amuleto de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Anel de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Brinco de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Camisa de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Máscara de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Calças de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Sapatos de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Protetor de Mãos de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Couraça de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Chapéu de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Guarda-pernas de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Botas de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Luvas de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Peitoral de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Elmo de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Grevas de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Sabatons de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Manoplas de Cristal de Azoth Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Carnificina de Simon Grey Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Capacete de Simon Grey Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Calças de Simon Grey Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Botas de Simon Grey Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Protetores de Punho de Simon Grey Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Faixas Peitorais do Tumor Maculado Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Adereço Flamejante do Tumor Maculado Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Calças do Tumor Maculado Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Sapatos Flamejantes do Tumor Maculado Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Luvas do Tumor Maculado Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Placa Peitoral de Isabella Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Olhar de Isabella Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Calças de Isabella Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Grevas de Isabella Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Manoplas de Isabella Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Faixas Peitorais de Chardis Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Adereço de Chardis Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700
Calças de Chardis Can be crafted Legendary V 650-700