Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Inquisição Can be crafted Epic V 600
Design Prático Can be crafted Epic V 600
Táticas Sujas Can be crafted Epic V 600
O Mirante Can be crafted Epic V 600
Mira Longa Can be crafted Epic V 600
Perfurador de Véus Can be crafted Epic V 600
Muitas Felicidades Can be crafted Epic V 600
Marca do Criador Can be crafted Epic V 600
Castigador do Duende Can be crafted Epic V 600
Ira Can be crafted Epic V 600
Bastão de Chamas Encantadas Can be crafted Epic V 600
Minguante Can be crafted Epic V 600
Cantor de Ventos Can be crafted Epic V 600
Bastão Vital de Madeira Selvagem Abençoada Can be crafted Epic V 600
Eco de Encanto Can be crafted Epic V 600
Martelo de Graith Can be crafted Epic V 600
Morte Sagrada Can be crafted Epic V 600
Quebrarrocha Can be crafted Epic V 600
Renascimento Can be crafted Epic V 600
Rapieira da Honra Can be crafted Epic V 600
Agulha Can be crafted Epic V 600
Lança do Grão-mestre Impecável Can be crafted Epic V 600
Garra do Dragão-fada Can be crafted Epic V 600
Verdades Ocultas Can be crafted Epic V 600
Fúria Glacial Can be crafted Epic V 600
Presente da Fada da Geada Can be crafted Epic V 600
Manopla do Criomante Mestre Can be crafted Epic V 600
Esmaga-Almas Can be crafted Epic V 600
Manopla do Mago Imaterial Mestre Can be crafted Epic V 600
Promessa Vazia Can be crafted Epic V 600
Espada Longa de Mythril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Mangual de Mythril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Rapieira de Mythril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Machadinha de Mythril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Espada Grande de Mythril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Martelo de Guerra de Mythril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Machadão de Mythril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Lança de Jacarandá Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Arco de Jacarandá Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Mosquete de Mythril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Bacamarte de Mythril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Bastão Flamejante de Jacarandá Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Bastão Vital de Jacarandá Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Escudo Circular de Mythril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Escudo Ogival de Mythril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Escudo Torre de Mythril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Manopla de Gelo de Mythril Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Manopla Imaterial de Couro Sombrio Can be crafted
Common V 600-700
Bastão Flamejante do Artesão Can be crafted Epic V 600
Bastão Vital do Artesão Can be crafted Epic V 600